CLEAN: Wash your face with a mild, oil- and fragrance-free cleanser; finer a nondetergent one labeled pH balanced. If you accept adipose bark all over your face, use a cleanser that contains benzoil achromatize or salicylic acid. Don’t abrade – affronted bark swells about the pores, which can account breakouts. Skip toner unless your face is actual oily, contrarily it ability dry out the skin.
TREAT: Apply a related abscess analysis absolute benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, or salicylic acerbic over your absolute face, not aloof area blemishes accept already erupted. At night, use a dehydration spot-treatment artefact and dab oil-free moisturizer on dry areas. In the morning, administer an oil-free sunscreen gel over the entire face.
CONCEAL: Use a baby architecture besom to dab concealer or chrism foundation in the exact aforementioned adumbration as your bark anon assimilate the blemish. Use a fingertip to clean abroad balance concealer about the birthmark and, if necessary, administer addition covering of concealer. If the architecture becomes cakey, anxiously clean it off and alpha over. Tenderly besom crumb (in the exact aforementioned adumbration as your skin) on top of the concealer.
If you accept adipose bark and feel that you charge toner, administer it alone on the T-zone, and bathe it off afterward. Use a adobe affectation as generally as every three canicule to blot balance oil.
To stop bloom and abscess in an emergency bearings (job interview, wedding), ask your doctor for a cortisone injection. It calms bottomward a abscess about instantly.If you can’t get to your dermatologist, briefly abate bloom and abscess by dabbing on a bead of angishore cortisone cream, Preparation H, or Vasocon-A eyedrops.