Wednesday 22 August 2012

Domestic Remedies for Murmurous Cutis

home remedies for soft skin
  • Learn paste of turmeric (haldi) pulverisation, corn (gehu ) flour and sesame (til) oil. Manipulate it for removing unsought pilus.
  • Integrated 100 ml. of herb humor and one containerful of maize succus. Knead this arm to the play. It helps to straighten the strip velvet and glowing.
  • Mixed 50 ml. of rimy river, one teaspoon of saline and two woodenware of adhesive humor. Knead this intermixture for cleanup the tegument deeply.
  •    Massage the mixture of honey and concentrate on the confronting twice in a week. This instrument create your skin soft-soft.
  •   Mix two containerful of honey in to your town h2o for liquid and silky tegument.
  •     Veggie (Kakdi) is a spontaneous medication for peel. Train juice of cucumber and river. It is rattling utile to cleaning the tegument.

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